What We Do

Understand. Identify.

Test. Assess. Share.

Join our Evidence & Incentives Community that encourages constructive evidence creation, sharing and use. We work together to:

Understand the problem: Engage a diverse and inclusive community of stakeholders from government, philanthropy, the nonprofit sector, academia, and the evidence-producing and using community to understand the role and impact of funding and other incentives to use evidence. 

Identify examples of effective incentives to use evidence: Provide venues and resources to discuss incentives to find, build, share and use evidence to share knowledge about well-designed and misaligned incentives for different evidence users and uses.

Find solutions: Work together to search for, test, and assess to identify effective evidence and incentives practices. 

Increase adoption of better practices: Find effective ways to get organizations funding and implementing programs to increase constructive use of evidence for continuous improvement.